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I Soloed SWTORs TOUGHEST Raid Bosses!

mrfiazco: Snoopster upload?????? Impossible.

MysticalReproach: We need another you and Thomas swtor video with Shadow of Revan!

swcentral: The King has returned!

Fillkiing: good job insane that u manage to do this as a clicker !

texasrick7327: Ayyy! He's back!!!

Jaeden_Phoenix: How it feels to work a 9-5.

starbog1: My hat goes to you for the best effort in editing in everything I've seen from a SWTOR creator in awhile. Amazing work and I'm only 8 minutes in :D

Jwine95: commando dps being the class to do this in 7.x is the real meme here. Gz man, i've got all timers besides gods and i dont think i'd be able to do this.

cheif145: The craziest part of this whole video is realizing that he clicks all of his abilities even though he has key binds set up. Fun watch

Wahsteinious: I still have a severe ketamine addiction


Tomberculosis-q1i: I remember when he soloed KP yeaaars ago.

nilin2236: Love the Tf2 tuberish style of this vid :)

froakiedude2874: So all of this was on story mode? I soloed annihilation droid on annihilation marauder on story mode before. It was a late night EV run and everyone left but the guy who formed the group left his computer or smth so group didn't disband. Annihilation marauder outheals his damage without needing to kite at all so you get a fast kill with no enrage. This was probably patch 7.4.

FIXU__: He has been awakened

lolkaverr: Where’s Thomas

mattpool2112: Just had to get to 10 minutes huh

Laiteg: Great work on dealing with the bosses. This is really impressive, I am thinking of trying sometime.

ShintarsVideos: Just wanted to leave another comment after finishing to say that this was amazing. Two hours of incredible entertainment; I laughed so much! I honestly didn't think I'd see another SWTOR video this great in the year 2025. Thanks, Snoopster!

MasterCoolCat: My guy you are insane. I knew you many years ago and HOLY this was totally worth it. Keep it going dude!

TodayinTOR: Soloing the Eyeless is hilarious due to how little is actually in the boss fight at all. Especially given that it actually has no enrage timer meaning you can solo 16man hardmode!

Cant wait to see you get that eventual Merciless Seeker armor set drop when they add the BLPS system to it!

RicardoDelgadillo3000: I love your videos!

TheV4D3R: Man remembers me when we did a couple of NM Raids as 4 people

1 Healer, Me as Merc DD and 2 Tanks

Was the most fun I ever had in any mmo thx for rembering me

Nice Vid

chrisdiaz3848: Great Work!

gizkapoison: bro the fact that you managed to make a 2 hour long video engaging all the way through is unreal

Feb 03 2025

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