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DrEdgarBatheSahlts: Over 2 years of malgus in the cell and we still have to wait even longer for him to do something or find out his plan….
the_revanchistlegion: I’ll hand it to the writers: they did well with this update. It’s the longest story we’ve gotten in this expansion so far, with players able to finally learn more about Sahar and get ahold of the very thing we’ve been chasing for nearly three years. However, I still think they need to stop including so many kotor-style cutscenes; the constant back and forth interrupts the pacing and we barely get to hear our characters speak as is. If they’re going to make us wait every six months for story updates, then why not let the actors do more voice work?

But yeah, that’s my take on it. Thanks again for the awesome stream, hope we can talk again soon
xenomorph1238: First Koth. Then Theron. Now Shae. How many more traitors do I have to take care of before they learn a lesson.
jakeadnams: "THAT IS IT I AM DONE SPARING TRAITORS!"- My sith warrior
BoomyNation: Ugh, the lazy kotor type conversations break the immersive storytelling.
Thunder-Ghost: No voice acting? I guess they just don't care anymore
lnowne2352: I can't believe they used the KOTET/KOTFE conversation style, my god this game is going down a big hole
KarlFranz5017: i'm just gonna say it, i fucking hate the mandolorians now. all because of this arc. i would rather have the empire/republic going in guns blazing and just eradicating heta kol and her chain gang rn than deal with them for yet another update.
Axitor_: How is there almost no main character voicelines ? Especially for a main line quests. This is pretty sad, seems like the quality is droping.
Axitor_: They got back to the KOTOR style of conversation (WHY?!) plus now they are doing so for the main quest. Either this is the weirdest choices ever or they cant pay the voice actors like they used to.

Voice acting was the strength of the game, it is ridiculous to have section where you character just does not speak.
The story has very little appeal to it. Though the ending is a really nice call back to the OG cinematics, the actions of Shae make very little sense (but in it self it's fine).
What is going to happen ? They're going to give us the choice to kill Shae ? An other choice that will break the lore once again.
Fight Malgus for the 5th DAMN time ???? Or have Malgus take the place as emperor which would make sense and could if done well (which in the past the years they cant do anything without breaking the lore) be pretty cool and fix the lore such as: Dark Council members being completly different from playthroughs to playthroughs, other things such as what happen to the other classes ??? Will Nox gain his place back in the other people's story ? Where is the Barsen'thor ?

The lore is all over the place and it feels like they are struggeling to expend the story and characters, and is probably a waste of time for the devs to try to get around every different deaths or non-deaths. The only way I see how it could be fixed would be by killing off the characters who could be previously killed.
That way they'll be able to get back to a maybe more intimate story that was the appeal of the classes stories. Have a more concistant core of rulling characters like the dark council or the jedi council. Once that will be done prehaps be able to build up to biggger threats like Jadus coming back, Yuuzhan Vong making a first secret attemped in the unknwon regions, Acient siths coming back in some for or an other.

The capitalisation on the mandalorian is a late and makes up for a story that struggles to move forwards while still breaking a lot of eggs. 6 months for that doesnt feel great. Since the game came out the story telling is now kinda meh (Though it looks premesssing) but the level of quality needs to step up or I'm afraid the game might slowly die out in the 3 next years to come. Something big but not lore breaking needs to happen, a hard return to basics needs to happen.

I hope they will continue for years and the graphical changes are great !
Achuidian179: If you could show us the Republic side of this story that would be great

Jun 03 2024

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