grego7596: Thing is, they are implementing new stuff over broken code, and when they come back to fix the broken code that was in there to begin with, then the new stuff breaks, and the cycle continues.
Thelifeisgreat12pm: They need new developers who know how to make a game. And actually deliver a story. With no excuses
OutcastCantina: Jeeez a lot of little bugs. Some of them i wasn't even aware of... Mining cart on Korriban is still floating though HAHA 12 years later..
pilksuk: They not going to fix the ugly characters issue?
tryhardlsr: Fishing really? You can't even get in ankle deep water without dying
billy0936: Thank goodness the cartel market is up to date. ( never gets old ).
Ultimatelylate: It's sad to see the state of one of my favorite games
matteo_z: The game code is way way too old, as I wrote in one of SWC's video, when a codebase is this old, either you have to rewrite it from scratch, or you make a new game. This issue is exacerbated by the fact that this game was originally written by a different studio, making code even harder to understand.
P.S.: I was hoping they were addressing the issues with the community...
darkjediorder1412: Looking forward to the next Bug Update
richardpruger4772: I haven't been able to finish my chapter for over a week. The last cut scene so I can either kill or imprison Saresh on Odessen won't play. Already created a bug report and ticket. No response
rogerpalsgrove9678: Working as intended.
SoulgnasherFriendlyDragon-w9z: THIS GAME needs a remake. You’d think they could afford it with a billion dollars in earnings. But because of industry incompetence, we get to watch it die, slowly.
Sometimes I want to come back and revisit, but I would only be reminded of the squandered potential. Enjoy your “event”.
TKRepository: Listing known issues is the absolute bare minimum we should expect from a live service. I really can't accept stating problems we already know about and experience as 'communication.' They've provided no indication of which of these are priorities to fix, or how far down the pipeline we can expect them to be resolved. We have a 4 hour maintenance window coming tomorrow, will there be any fixes in there? Who knows. There are no updates on the delayed content or fixes to character models, which have been a larger point of ire than the bulk of what's on the list. I used to work under a warrant who had a phenomenal ability to cut through BS with a single question: "But where's the meat and potatuhs?" That is to say, stop blowing wind and give me something I can work with here.
jornwolfgang4001: The question should be why do they same things or similar issues crop up every time they add new things?
joeslayter5841: So a galactic thread is what they pull and break every time there is an update?
Detac3: Spaghetti code
ChrisMurdock-qq6bj: Maybe will try again Jan 2026. Not willing to deal with this much broken stuff and fugly characters.
DeltaDragon79: Force Fishing Implemented. Lightsaber Fishing Rod acquired. Jedi have to catch Dark Side affected Fish, called Dark Scales, Sith have to catch Light Side affected Fish, called Light Scales. Cooking them gives buffs to corresponding force abilities.
dagdabreemie: Silly Boomy. They let you FISH during the PIE event!
DarthBean66: I think the last major update with the texture they did broke the game or something. Honestly, I'm just anxious to get Heta-Kol off the loading screen and move onto something else.
Darthpicklelord: At least their talking
NarianaZone: At least they are talking to us.
JaydedAngle: Lmao, tyvm for the good laugh when I just wake up...... Just log out and log back in lol. Fishing yes i'd love to make me some buff food.
phantom_ved: And yet they called me the crazy guy for showcasing a single bug or error within the game,and for making a video on it,got told to delete my channel. Boomy, do not go back,no matter what,u are doing what must be done
PrimarchMatterion: I have had a tough time finding objects or objectives because NO GLOW!! then it is sweep the mouse over EVERYTHING!! I have found many things not working like they should have. Still love hate the game. Another issue I had today was I opened 10 Cartel Containers...nothing above Silver items mostly bronze gear. Very disappointing. Mostly furniture for my stronghold that I never go to.
kelladorn9414: Thank you for this one i needed a good laugh. How did they fuck up lore items and elevators lol omg this dev team is almost as incompetent as the community manager is lol. Seriously tho what shocks me is all the players that Accept this garbage and keep subbing to the game. How are you gonna have a sub base game and give it half ass updates. disgraceful
masterchief2303: Fishing lol
Jan 31 2025