Edmyster-g2z: You don't want to sink the small ship first or second. You want to sink the small ship last because if you sink it first the game is over and you won't be able to sink the other 2 big ships. I found that out yesterday.
JoshLawn: The Founding Day celebration is totally disappointing, then the upcoming seasonal monetary reset has just killed my interest for the game.
Yannick-lr6kn: Am i tripping or are we not getting the full cosmetic sets? Cause on the website they aren‘t complete and the convoys stopped dropping cosmetics yesterday
paulbarlow1158: Yet again another let down.
Take all the 8s we have all collected down to 50k and yet again more boring cosmetics.
sorry but I can see me docking my ship up and calling it a day with the game.
maxmatos7298: Please Deathwish How i get the William Blackwood jacket ? I need This my friend, ty
gilbertbaldwin3677: Need one of those caps
Handzonvanlife: What's your weapon and armour loadout
BubbaSvensson: I think the reset and economy balance changes, overhaul of the end game sounds interesting for year 2. Maybe they still got a idea to try before giving up on the game
GG-uy5wo: Can you swim yet ? What about deck fighting, or island fighting ? Sorry budy but Pirate Yakuza give me everything and more that this game will never give me and no season pass bullshit.
bigdustie: how did u get that outfit??
xxtjkxx: Yh but wats the point all the players that helped them make the game better are now getting all thier po8 robbed off them if they take all mine im not playing the game again wat a joke
Feb 27 2025