Renix: Why is your company failing
ziek3012: So the resources and money from xdefiant got diverted to this game. Even though xdefiant can potentially make way more money for the company. This is crazy.
Playgamer99977: Bitte neue Schiffe und grosse Schiffe und neue Karte und viele Missionen sowie Allianz Gründung und Eventuell ein eigene Insel
madman6705: Why is this worse than AC Black Flag in every way?
Creeper_ofDoom: Does anyone even play this game?
ricolives1166: Ubi I am once again coming before you to remind you that the game was originally marketed with 10 YEARS of using large ships. Also better graphics and textures. One year later we still do not have large ships. Any news we are being lied to twice?
madman6705: Why is the ships size only small?
michaelh3715: Why for the love of God can’t I start a new game from scratch. My ubi account is tied to both my ps5 and series x. Back when the game came out I played the trial on ps5; recently subbed to ubi plus on series x to play a few games and tried skull and bones. Could t start fresh, the only option was to jump right back in to the save I had on ps5 and I had no idea what I was doing because it was a year later so I uninstalled
pauliegportugueseguy7155: Ubislop
tiff8698: Anything?
pauliegportugueseguy7155: My ancestors were Portuguese real pirates Ubisoft have dishonored there memory with this fake slop of a pirate fantasy let us use guns and swords
Subject-ws3dz: People dont play this anymore right xD?
ersankuneri4815: When will you guys go bankrupt? Please make it happen so we can move on.
Revenant-oq9ts: When will the higher ups get used to not owning their company?
okage6219: Y'all could atleast level the audio level before starting the stream
PimpSlapMerozu: Please nerfe garuda it ruins pvp and pve way way to much dmg thank you
thebee2685: Could we please for the love of god have an option finally to make armors invisible or to be able to change the colors on them ??? I cant have an entirely black ship because the armor is red,green,purple,gold... Come on... It ruins the entire look of the ship.
ghostwalker4179: I still have hope for this game it can be top tier
davidholt7126: Games dead, no large ships means I’m done. Got two months worth of time in this game, been nothing but an epic letdown since season two. Im done with wasting my time and so should anyone else that still plays.
mrumbrella9961: Got some big conjones promoting a dead game.
madman6705: Why are there torpedos? Pathetic
Dan0w93: Some of the issues skull and bones faces is numerous but gotta hand it to them their good at updating and helping their players unlike other companies who don’t really care bout their player base
solvard: Interesting to try playing this.
WHEELS_OF_LIBERTY69: Want pvp event!
josephdennis2510: Why is there spanish bots in the comment section?
JanaPards: Regarder votre chaîne, c'est comme rencontrer un bon ami qui sait toujours comment remonter le moral. Continue à nous rendre heureux avec tes vidéos colorées !
BarbaraDaluz-s2d: Vos vidéos sont toujours d'une grande qualité et d'une grande sincérité. Merci pour votre créativité talentueuse !
Feb 21 2025