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Skull and Bones Season 2 Patch 2.2 Dev Update

vitordzn6430: Junk and Bones

fred800101: they look just like the game.

Maxion_2000: Does anyone still play this game?

Captain.B.Fang572: Yay still no sword and pistol combat so still no reason for me to go back and play skull and bones

aaronoutdoors7556: I haven’t played the game. I’m just here for the comments.

k_chyx: I can't believe I'm hearing Singlish on a Ubisoft video

HungarianMcGowan: Don't listen to the haters, thank you for the updates. Also please release the epic Hubac Twins music that plays under this video!

Arsenegelion: Bugisoft

lightkeeper1238: Look I'm not a judgey person, but just from looks alone these two should not be making games about naval combat or pirates.

Moneymaker33647: Una gran mejora del juego sería que se podría subir en el barco de un amigo cuando juegas con el.

Rosamond161: Awesome update. Getting people participating in events is critical, and this UI overhaul is a huge help. Can't wait to jump back in for the end of S2, and set myself up for S3

Aug 08 2024

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