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Skull and Bones and the added 1000 Years?

kelvinbel8910: As children my brother and I found a graveyard in the woods. Wenham MA. The dates were 1600s and had that symbol on them all. 20 maybe
michaelluna475: That tombstone doesn’t say 1727, it says J 727.
HollerLogs: ' & upon exhumation the cadavers hands held fancy tobacco pipes..'
Boston_Shovinstuff: Growing up in Boston , These are ALL OVER Massachusetts . Every ... single ... 1600's historical cemetery
screwthecabal6453: That is curiously odd with the roman numerals. I really don't think they would purposely put that year off center. I strongly believe it was added after the fact.
warrior-mama: It seems odd the "pirate" graveyard skulls have those weird smiley faces.
paulbryden-bradley7846: This whole "missing 1000 years" stuff was covered very well by the "Magical Mystery Church" channel on here recently, most of the videos about it include "little season" in the title.
yesyesxx: Thank You!! the pirate grave stone you see 02.50 min. shows the date 1727 but the 1 is a J so the date is 727
GutsFreedom: The top of some of those gravestones look exactly like the so called pirate hats Hollywood loves to portray..... Hmmmm
joyfulone1816: New Found Land...
drewprentice997: Wow, great observational skills on the coin topic. Very interesting.
robegatt: Wow they added a point in the margin on the second coin... they knew it was off center !!! clever folks the freemasons ... lol
aneia6353: I went to Eyam Plague village in England back in 2005. There is a huge gravestone with A skull and cross bones. Also a few Wing Skull designs. There is something off about the i666 Black Plague. They claim it was spread by fleas, but there was also a weird comet AND The Plague Doctor.
user-zb1ri9fn3n: Newfoundland was considered a separate country from Canada until recently. March 31, 1949.
whatsamattayoo: My sister and I went to Lee County South Carolina about an hour from our home to look for the infamous Lizard Man in 1988 and found a graveyard off the beaten path out in the woods and blocked off by large tree trunks. Apparently we must have been on someone's property because a small airplane started swooping down near tree level and chased us out. Many of the 'gravestones' were basically just concrete with names written in concrete with their fingers.

Aug 09 2024

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