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Skull and Bones 1 Year Later Ubisofts WORST Game?

atharvtyagi3435: Skull and bones still ain't worth it

hamza.991: Quadruple A they said

matrixguardian4539: This game deserved to fail. The devs calling it a AAA, sorry I mean AAAA was a massive red flag right from the get-go. It’s boring as shit.

RatchetClankFan112: I’m excited for Ubisoft Closure

Steeleye50: I'm a big fan of the pirate genre and was really excited for this. I played it quite a bit at launch, mostly because it was relaxing just sailing around. The constant grind got old quickly though. Fortunately, Sea of Thieves came out on PS5 and once I started playing that, I haven't touched Skull and Bones since. SOT is everything Bones should have been.

GutzX-w2x: Well the "always online" thing already eliminated a huge portion of potential buyers of this game.

Kumaa177: what happened to ubisoft man...

Genzgaming789: If they add some sword , hand to hand combat , parkour and puzzles with ruins would be enough

YoTizzler: Been good on Ubisoft since AC2 trilogy ended.

fonnyjootball512: ubisoft desperately needs ac shadows to be great

darkmoon0219: Wait till they play AC shadows...

Spacemutiny: For the ten people actually playing this trash.

symbolguy3609: AAAA game everybody.

Kermitgottagun: Holy shit it’s been a year since this garbage game came out?!?!

Godfather-m5m: Blac that is the worst game made from them

adstanczel10: It's a boring buggy garbage.

BobbyPallit-jz5gu: You couldn’t pay me to play that crap

stefanuca84: i dont understand one F thing.....why u all noooobs are saying about the game laks sword play when the game is a naval combat game!!!! I don't neeed fucking sword play if is a naval game...I would just wanted to have the map of naval action and the stuff to do lke in naval action with this skull and bones graphics...that's it

Avalon_1991: People are tired of Star Wars and especially the strong female character trope that's in every Star Wars show and film these days.

Feb 02 2025

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