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SHIP UPGRADES what we KNOW! Skull and Bones

jn1z11: Ship upgrades are good but that is going to be a pain to have to stop whatever you are doing to defend a factory. I hate how this game tries to force players to play their way (Ubisoft's) rather then being a true open world and letting us (players) play the way we want to play. This was the whole purpose of having fleets to collect Po8 to eliminate the forced work that we have to do. In terms of ship upgrades I would think the need to let you get to close to level 15 if they want to allow more solo play against forts like Premie or Oosten. My hope is that Ubisoft doesn't return to how it was the first two weeks of the official game release when you couldn't sail from Saint Anne to Lanistra without being harassed by ships the entire time. My concern is that Ubisoft equates creating a challenge for players to adding more nuisance roadblocks like rouges and La Peste tanks every time you pick up more than 3,000 Po8. I hate to always be negative but if Ubisoft made a few simple fixes that it seems like a majority of their players seem to be asking for this game could be amazing
magicpyroninja: I can see it now. Preston the kingpin Garvey letting you know that your manufactury is under attack
Every 5 minutes
oldcaptainjack: Having to defend your factories reminds me of GTA San Andreas gang turf wars which I hated having to do. When a territory was under attack and you had to stop what you're doing to go defend it or lose it. So annoying.
robrdavis: Incoming ship setup: Dhoom Dhow!
nubisimmortal: Ubisoft is seriously trying to get us to quit playing the game

They do not seem to understand at all what makes a game fun

Can you imagine how much actual sailing around time will now be lost as we spend countless hours in yet more menu screens 'managing' our empire? :(
coachphill5076: This whole thing about our territories being attacked and damaging them and we'd have to defend them...I don't know about everyone else, but how are we supposed to do that. A normal person has to go to work, we can't be on 24/7
milanmihaljevic7520: Hopefully they will increase storage space to more then 200... with this amount of stuff, 200 is not enough
heavytiger5807: Really hoping the ship upgrades will allow us to add more gun port slots to some ships…that would be great
KingPlaty: They are killing the urge to want to keep my manufactories running. Or starting new ones. I have 340k coins of eights atm and ive unlocked everything in black market via weapons blueprints and everything clothes and all lol and got every upgrade for helm empire upgrades so hopefully they add more stuff i can buy but other then that i dont see a point to keep doing them IMO
andrewwinter7843: Will we be able to use "Fleet" assets tohelp in defense?
johnnyortega7474: Cause this is not black flag

May 23 2024

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