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PRODUCERS for Skull and Bones have SPOKEN!

Cjackson1717: I think many expected alot more by now and everyone was either looking for Larger ships and/or Map expansion for Y2. The fact that we are losing all but 50K Po8's is beyond frustrating. How many times do you have to reset and level the game? I'm sick of take overs and building up manufactories just for them to take it all away, so dumb. Yeah we might like whats coming, but you've told us nothing really and have delivered us nothing that we expected....disappointing the community yet again. Do you really think this game needs more types or forms monetary currency, its ridiculous (sigh)......

mikeguerrero7416: This game hasn't completley died out?

electriccurckissting5010: I'm already pissed at the last dev stream they said spend your sovereigns now they say save them I had 12000 and this was a dirty trick


JonasOlssen008: I am reallly cheesed off about the Pieces of 8 situation. It has taken a stupid number of weeks to accumulate 300k, only for them to wipe it out in the new season. STUPID!! idgaf about new players feeling left behind. they can grind like I had to. i bought the game with all the cheats patched and the process of acquiring meaningful wealth has been horrible!! I actually loathe and despite the stupidity of the earning system. What exactly is the point in going out to sea to defeat rogues for 50 pieces of 8? Yes its a lot easier when you have manufactories upgraded but to earn those 8's to do the upgrades in the first place is insanity. And don't get me started on looming shadow and the perpetually spawning towers! There a lot I like about the game but there is sooo much that I really hate. I don't even know if I can be bothered to go through the hell of upgrading all my manufactories all over again. Makes me sick to my stomach to think about the hideous amount of time that we will be required to waste grinding. fs.

WCFGreywolf: All good news ,

skillage18: cant believe this game is still getting updates. I played it all the way until you finish the game, after that, dead. Nothing to do but farm 24/7. Atleast with the "story" it was decent. I wish it would of worked out

kurtisyarber: 1500 hours of play cant say im happy with season 2 stuff i heard. map still never opened, just not sure ill keep playing

njokidd: Im glad i didnt waste my time on helm manufacturing this season as all the extra Po8 would just be thrown away...games going stale . The pvp is lame its always the same 10-15 players doing pvp and theres no ranking or no rewards for pvp..

Year2 is theyear of giving us things we dont want and not the things we asked for.

TheCaptain-tv2uy: Im done, the helm reset is just a chore now, it doesnt benifit new players at all, they hqve to do takeovers with the likes of us who are way op for them,all it leads to is frustration for them and boredom for us doing the same shit all over again.if we kept our manufactories then new players would get peace to do takeovers with similar ranked players and catch up quicker. Ah well Henry and kcd2 it is...

shicino4507: my opinion about this game before its launch is excitement. tbh im really into pirate game, and i have a lot of pirate game both offline and online, Skull and Bones first trailer makes me want to buy this game more and more, but when its launch last year makes me sad tho, its terrible, but im buy it anyway when other people said no, i gave a lot of hope for this game, this game has a lot of potential and i will wait for that to happen

shadowdragon_x7919: You should let them know when you board a ship they should give you like a lil mini game of some sort against the other player and some cutscenes should be different (randomized) PEOPLE WALKING THE PLANK WITH MAN EATING SHARKS IN THE WATERS BELOW..... THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!

codbfhalo98653: I wish there was an option to select which audio you want from a specific figurehead on any figurehead. Also not just hiding armor, but selecting which armor appearance you want on any armor.

codbfhalo98653: My only hope for large ships is the there are 2 auxiliary slots

melvinfeenstra7037: can you build the boats they released in season after season is done? cause i mised like 3 seasons

venomx1317: At the end of the day, with all the updates and everything that's going on with this game. I'm a huge fan of the concept of the game, but it's sad that since this game has been out, it has been nothing but problems. Glitching issues. Lagging issues. Game, not working correctly. It's bad enough that. Everything

Resets, and we wind up losing a lot of. Po8 IT'S PRETTY MUCH A WASH. RINSE AND REPEAT SYSTEM. They said that they're listening to us, but clearly it's not everything, especially. Yes, everybody at this point. Has asked for large ships and the map to open up. And we still have not gotten that, but they said that they're listening to us. Yes, they have given us. Some of the things that we have mentioned but at the end of the day, the fact that this game still is a favorite of mine at the same time, it's just sad that they have so many issues wrong with this game and not working correctly. It seems that they're more concerned with putting out new product that are behind paywall. After paywall after paywall, new things for us to buy and spend our money on instead of fixing the game. Every time They put an update out, something else happens, or something that actually was fixed in the past is now. And issue again, fix one thing something else Happens Fix that then old issues start back up. It's pretty much been like this since the game came out. i actually stopped playing for a little while, hopped back on, and saw one issue fixed, and still, the game has issues. Just sad to see that this is happening. Cyberpunk had a bunch of problem. And they actually took the time to fix the game. Instead, S&B they just make new content in the store for us to buy for us to spend money. Spend money on, spend money on us. Here's new stuff for you to spend money on. Instead of just working on fixing the game so it can run as it should without all these problems. But instead, they worry about putting out new content for us to spend money on. Not gonna be spending anything until this game runs right because if it does not run right, what is the point? Hopefully, with everything that has happened, maybe they will actually fix the issues.

That this game is having. We'll see. At the end of the day. They can put out letters talking about whatever they like at the end of the day. The only thing that matters is. Action speaks louder than words. I'll believe it when I see it.

Everything is permitted, and nothing is true.

knox2tall: Running up the engagement

nickthorn8843: Well the info released to me is disappointing. Helm reset to 50k PO8 blah. I grind my ass off for that stuff(over 700 hrs played). And now soverigns getting burned down! Hell, there isnt anything worth purchasing with any of the currencies they have. I have purchased everything i might like. Definitely seems like the mt side of it is getting the attention for sure. (Sigh) well i reckon they can bump warehouse slots, coop large ships would be cool, owning your own upgradable enclave would be awesome. We shall see what they do...

savio817mvp: Thanks for the update man! I was trying to trade weapons with another player but it wouldn't let me. it that a glitch? or just not allow?

subieislife5825: They fucked it when season 2 come out season 1 was better then anything they have added

Ramsay666: All they had to do was reskin ac black flag add some more missions and that it best pirate game ever made

gilbertbaldwin-lw2ov: brother i was worried that you wasnt going to post anything.. its been awhile.. but thank you so much for the videos .. happy gaming sir

Gogsi90: Can you swim yet?

V0RTA: The most boring pirate game of all time.

Steeleye50: I was interested in hearing new content only to find out it's more cosmetics. This game was built to be microtransactional and is such a huge missed opportunity. Glad they are not shutting it down, but it's so disappointing.

JEREMYCLEVENGER-p6q: Really excited about these updates. Hoping it will shutdown all the haters.

Feb 26 2025

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