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PREPARE or HOW TO for SEASON 3! Skull and Bones

LordCarmesimXXVII: Season 3 drops on Thursday.

mountaineer014: 2 season old weapons should be sold on the black market outright not just in the chest

OGvCINDER: Season 3 is coming on Thursday

mountaineer014: healing ships are hardly used so the nerf doesnt make sense

stevemoore1121: It drop on 22nd August and not tomorrow lol

richardshepherd8120: I can't wait when D3ATHWISH comes up with a new build for the new ship I am so looking forward to a special what he's mentioned on this video

reaver357: Electrical damage, in a pirate game, is the dumbest thing. Yea it’s a game but really?

JComery1999: I thought the update was pushed to the 22nd? And any word on how many Po8 we will have carry over?


trevortanner8255: Storms truck and taunt chargelike flooded effect.

cmdrking3957: Not got to the end of the video yet but have they said how many po8 we can carry over

Aug 21 2024

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