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BRIG is it GOOD?! Skull and Bones

dannystratyys4002: I can’t wait until we have galleons, man-o-wars and ships of the line.
rossmmilner: The ship absolutely sucks. It’s a fundamentally flawed support-only build that fails in its own purpose to support anybody as the springloader is too weak for any realistic game combat. But don’t just come at me though, hear me out, I have a very good and detailed explanation as to why you should NEVER use this crap ship:

1) The ship perks only work with the springloader weapon which is very weak and underpowered.

2) Focusing on the Springloader, it would take more than 6 minutes of a high level enemy ship to sit completely still in your minefield to eventually sink. Obviously ships don’t just stay still, they always sail out of the way of your mines, so it would take way longer than that in reality. Yes it sucks that much. Put the other weapons back into the equation to kill your enemy and congratulations, you just have a normal ship with a useless perk. With that being said you may as well pick a different ship that doesn’t have its sole purpose to just focus on the crappy springloader.

3) The only time the Brig would ever come in handy is using it in a team for area effect healing, which is a waste of time as you are not getting XP for any of the kills around you. Ubisoft do not reward support players, and only reward DPS players who take down enemies. Also players who see a circle around them during combat mostly sail out of the way 70% of the time, thinking they are being attacked by a mortar. In the La Peste event his icon for poison was a yellow/green colour that looked the same as healing colour. So if you do want to heal people with the Brig good look getting them to sit in 1 place.

4) We already have the Barque as a better healing ship as it passively heals friendly ships automatically (including the red ‘severe’ damage) without the need for using a weapon slot or mine

5) The season pass fire-based springloader weapon ‘Infernal Maw’ isn’t worth it either as Sambuk ablaze effect is 4x better for fire damage. Sambuk with Blue Spectre or Kalikinos iii actually aims where you want meaning a guaranteed hit, as opposed to the Springloader shooting which might miss your target completely. Sambuk perks also spread your fire ablaze effect damage to other ships in 150m radius, deals 5000 damage immediately to an enemy that has ablaze effect, and increased damage to ships that have ablaze effect by 50%. Yeah Sambuk is literally 4x better than the Brig for fire.

Sadly, the Brig is a waste of time, I have it level 12 currently sat doing automated PO8 runs. The fact that they called it the Brig when we already have a ship named Brigantine (which everybody shortened to Brig) is also just extremely confusing and LAZY on Ubisoft’s part. I know in real life there is 2 ships with these names but this is a game and gamers don’t want to be confused especially since the herbs were made legal in the USA
reaver357: Brig is squishy.
ryantodd82: Thanks for the video. 1 correction to the stats… the brig has 10 gun ports on each broadside, not 8. That actually changes the usefulness in my opinion especially when using carrons. Not other ship can give you 10 shots per broadside for all deck weapons. Also, the infernal maw spring loader is insane! Paired with the flooding, I see some potential there.
samgardner4667: No. It’s not good. But I think it’ll shine when we fight both twins at the same time. Especially if they’re able to do significant damage to multiple targets
barneeyebay: I am on level 3 of the Brig, Ive gone back to the Brigatine level6. you need a silly amount of drill bits to uprate the Brig.
ItsSpicyyy: If you don't know this yet but you can shoot the buoys to cause the whole minefield to explode compare that with buoy locker you can cause some mass damage
Malboja: If I’m honest I don’t intend too play this game again until I can have a three mast ship
grievousminded7517: Brig and Barque are just reskins of the Snow. But I like the brig. There is a lot you can do with the springloaders, like funneling mobs since the ai seems to try to evade mines.
detah9772: To be honest, I am disappointed in the brig.
For me she is just worse than other ships, worse healer than barque, worse tank than snow and worse DPS than sam.

She looks cool tho..

Jun 07 2024

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