TXREEF: love me some afk blue blubber jellies. in addition to perked crystal rod, fury shark outfit, and grace of the elves (with luck of the dwarves for boosted seren spirit drops), also use fishing skillcape, brooch of the gods, fishing aura, granite lobster and perfect juju fishing or perfect plus potion to boost gp/hr.
lvh888: 15min later and Molten glass is at "804" gp exactly. That went fast haha
opper2k740: I do have an editing tip
maybe indicate each time with text what you are going to do
and how much it is per hour and what you need just short text
sallytilton3664: Having hard time playing lately, missing Choobie
TheLavidz: This should have included menaphos marketeer thieving.
thomcjx022: BRGYTANOD117
Jan 10 2025