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This New Membership Survey Could Be TERRIBLE For RS3...

S.y.t.h.i.k: The original game always gets the shaft. They need to either balance out the wallet raping between the two games, or completely separate them - stop having us pay for OSRS to have more support, and MTX-free experience. Raise OSRS membership prices to $20 a month or to a level where the game is self sustaining if they aren’t going to have MTX.

evilbonesx42: I literally just got done doing this survey as apparently I was part of a target demographic. There was zero mention of splitting OSRS and RS3 memberships as a way to offer lower costs. There was mentions of adding various tiers of membership pricing. Some included ads in the lowest tier to make it “cheaper” they were till around 10.99 a month. Or having mobile only accesss as a method for having cheaper options which again only looked to be around 8.99 monthly as proposed as from what I was shown. Theyention options for having more than one character per membership. Some packages including multiple and some with 1 character and the option to get discounts per month on additional character. Things like API access tied to some tiers and monthly price increases or enhanced character display name options. Or improved account security and stuff along those lines. I’d be happy to talk more about what I saw in the survey if you’d like.

GrungedupRex: Dude this is Jagex we're talking about - if they do decide to split the membership then it probably won't be a single game for a cheaper price than it is now. It will more likely be a single game for the same price as it is now and a new more expensive bundle for both games.

rondalin98: Again this is just my own opionion, but as someone who plays both games.. I already know if the membership split, I would only pay for rs3 with the occasional bonding up for old school or whatever.. I wouldn't be playng for both like I do now

drpepper1132: It's cute that you think if they unlink the membership it will be cheaper to get members on just one of the games.

ValakDhur: I did the survey and it really gives the vibes that they want to make the subscriptions like twice as expensive, but include multiple character support. All the while taking the lower tier ones which everyone would be at currently and doubling the price AND including fucking ADS, less afk timer, and limiting to just mobile. Instead of just a cheaper option. If ur gonna put ads in my shit or limit me to just mobile that shit should be like a 4th of the price. It did not give me any hype.

judgeude: i understand that osrs is more popular, has more support, and all the ppl i meet irl that play rs play osrs… but i have the santa hat from 2003 in rs3. between the decade of progression, there’s something about the economy of rs3 and the storytelling that keeps me there. i’d be fine never making the jump, especially if they lowered the price of membership down to what it used to be

Angry-Romper: Im faiirrrrrrrrrrrly certain that the "Conjoined Membership" Is not referring to OSRS and RS3 being one membership for two games. I'm almost certain that this will be about paying one price for multiple accounts. The reason I think this is the case is because in the past number of surveys they've given us, this was a point brought up a number of times.

That being said, I am very willing to be wrong here. So let's say the idea is to shine light on the possibility that this is talking about splitting up the two games into their own membership. I think this is an absolutely horrible idea. Genuinly one of the worst ideas I can imagine. This would make it so that anyone playing both, will be paying more. thats just flat out,. they arent going to split them up and make the prices 50% each. It would be more likely to be 75% each. Thjat means to get the value I already have, I would have to pay 50% more, and STILL be unable to play both games at the same time. Maybe if they did this with accounts moving forward, sure. But to take away something we already have, and make us pay more for it if we want it, and still have it so we cant actually use both at the same time. There is absolutely no benefit to the player

Dear_Diablo: if they’re going to segregate the subscription then they need to decrease the prices for membership and bonds. and it cannot stay the same price or go up.

killler240: Runescape is a ridiculously expensive MMO. As soon as you have a separate character, it is the most expensive MMO.

CheekyJebus: RS sub is now $19.99 aud a month, WoW is $19.95. Back when I first signed up for RS it cost 1/3rd that of warcraft, now it costs more. Stack that with Jagex's egregious predatory MTX and I am so burned out on the greediness of this game.

akinoridonde: Its funny how Jagex has made several surveys to make the game better and the only one it has acted upon almost immediately is increasing its membership prices. I honestly dont see this going anywhere but wasting your time. At the end of the day, game price goes up while game quality goes down.

Mastervito: This company is pricing their game more then a wow sub, wow subs includes all versions of the game and multiple characters on each version of the game for 20 cad a month, RuneScape wants to split the games into different subs and charge more for no ads or multiple characters. Shits insane.

charlessouth6488: Cheaper for one game sounds ok to me except NONE of the real options were cheaper everything was more expensive and STILL less benefits than now except the most expensive

dronez4dronezy590: Don't you love it when they try to fix something that isnt broken?

It has more of a negative impact than a positive impact, they're expecting people to pay for both in a world where both games have heavy grinds and inflation is happening everywhere

They never look at other peoples perspective, its dumb

victorgondar3667: If the Road is pay less for separate the games they to maintain a package for the member pf both beacuse are player who play ors and rs3 not my case but If You need to pay more for both games gg they will lose more active players

numberonegod8403: I've been playing f2p so many years, so I can't relate with "I don't even consider f2p a trial". A good majority of the playerbase is f2p or has a f2p exclusive accounts. I am currently a member now since I got 100% completion of f2p (got gravite, full battle mage, and Gud Raider Platebody set which takes many months to get).

MaxyStorm3: I play mostly RS3, and go back to OSRS for the leagues, for me it would be benificial to have a cheaper option for example only RS3, mostly because the economy in my country is f***ked up and US dollars are expensive, we have localized prices the membership, and for early it is roughly 50 dollars, but here this is expensive as hell, it is almost 20% of the minimum wage here, so to have separeted membership, and I think it would be localized as well, it would benefit the people in my country mostly

Acrolance: That's funny you think they will lower the price?

They will raise the price for combined membership in the future.

sithisrants4154: The main problem is the limited quantity of profiles (accounts). If we didn't already have to pay separate subscriptions for all "accounts" on our Jagex account, this would be fine, but realistically, that means subscription costs are going to be doubled. With all the MTX RS3 has, it should be a completely free-to-play game. When you pay for a membership, the full cost is essentially for OSRS, whether you play it or not. If they want to strip out the meager benefits of dual membership, that needs to mean all profiles/characters on your Jagex account are subscribed.

Francisco_Otero: "Conjoint" is a research method! It helps you prioritize different attributes by ranking them against each other.

birdroll: I don't play rs3, but jagex wouldnt want to lower membership pricing for osrs at all, considering it is the only income from osrs. They'll probably just increase the price and start advertising better that you get access to 2 games, so both games get shafted

helebarda344: If they split rs3 from osrs so you would have to pay 4 memberships if you wanted a main and iron on each version, we would be getting fucked. Even if the price was lowered. If it would be the opposite so we would get more chars (1 main 1 iron on both versions) per membership it would be much better (but since this would lower revenue I highly doubt it).

newedition0456: i remember when osrs came out you could play it as long as you was a member on rs3

sebastionmiller7281: itll mean all the accounts linked to a jagex account will share 1 membership. Instead of paying for multiple memberships. This will be massive for the game.

Jan 19 2025

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