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The True Best PKer in Runescape 3

vic123: It's wild how Evolution of Combat has been out for a decade, and this company still hasn't fixed the issue where 80% of the animations don't load lol

bahlahkay931: bro's defending himself pking like hes in front of a judge

JehaOSRS: I genuinely did not think there was a single person still pking in RS3.

Osrs_handle: The anime -HUH! Is makin me weak lmfao he keeps doing it!

TheJorjj: why do RS3 players play on PCs from 2002 while osrs players have $4k set ups and use low detail

renaldomariano8612: Man what the hell am I even looking at...?

nr7975: this guy sounds like he's staying up past bedtime trying to not wake up his parents from his mancave playing runescape

hyperkaioken4982: "i see expensive gear =5m" thats literally like peanuts in rs3

adarrm: What in the world of war craft did I just watch

lambchop8653: I know a black nerd when I hear one

yourlocalkj: Nah oda should do some RS3 PVP not gonna lie, shit would be funny

GannyZz: "Yup, he's eating" LMAOOOO

ForeverBossingUp: why do rs3 players sound like they sniff their own farts

FantomaBatePalma01: BOOOOOM ( nothing happens )

decoldest1660: Holy shit this looks awful. 100000 icons and hit splats

learn2k0: Big O i'm here to tell you, this guy is not a high skill lvl pker

wherethechee: "Let's see what he's made of... HEH" LMFAOOOOOOOOO

normjones1754: Imagine thinking this was an improvement on the old combat system

3_Sword_Zoro: Heh

dragonkin737: guy has a boosted account, i flamed him at bank standing 2 years ago and got him really mad. glad to see he is ok at something.

moe17: That was the strangest commentary I have ever seen

leancamo800: Rs3 player here. I'm gonna try to breakdown the first fight and the one that he uses "Reprisal" (an ability you get as a boss drop).

-Watch the action bars (the middle of the screen), at the bottom you can see the entangle has a circle, that means the next attack will cast entangle.

- "A pot" means "Adrenaline potion". Adrenaline is the yellow bar, and you need certain amount to cast threshold abilities o 100% for ultimates. Threshold Abilites do a lot of dmg but you need to have, at least, 50% adrenaline and they cost 15% to use. So, he A pots to genate adrenaline overtime. Casting basic abilities and auto-attacks also fills your adre bar.

-Then he goes to the magic abilities book and clicks on "Impact" (basic ability), an ability that stuns and binds the target for 1.2s, or 2 ticks. He does that because there are abillities that you can use to break binds and stuns or cleanse bleeds. So, he starts with an entangle, A pots, the target cleanse the bind, and then he stuns and binds them with the ability.

-The fire is the basic ability "Dragon Breath" , an ability that disables overhead prayers, like the D Scimmy special attack.

-Then he goes for "Wild Magic" (threshhold). It's a magic D Bow special attack

-Since the target didn't die, and most likely don't have any abilities left to cleanse themselfs, he goes for "Asphyxiate" (threshold), a CHANNELED (if you move or get cc'd it stops doing it's thing) ability that does dmg overtime while stunning the target for 3.6s

And that's the first kill.

The Reprisal kill

-Uses Impact and buffs himselfs with overload and A pot. If you see the buffs below the target's hp bar, you'll a hood. That hood means that target has the Anticipation (basic DEFENSIVE abilty) buff, and what that does is: you take 10% less dmg, you're immune to stuns and it lasts for 10.2s.

-He also uses Anticipation because every cb style has a form of stun and binds, so he uses that so the Asphyxiate will not be interrupted.

-He stalls untill he sees the Anticipation buff falls off and goes for an Asphyxyate.

- He gets "Debilitated". "Debilitate" (threshold), ability that reduces the dmg you take from the target by 50%. It's a debuff and lasts from 7.8 to 13.8s, depending on the lvl of shield you have on. You can see the icon on the book below the map. It's the only one highlighted on the 2nd row.

-Uses "Combust" (basic), a bleed aka dmg overtime that increases if that target moves.

-He uses "Reprisal". It's like a Vengeange, but it lasts only for 6s and it stores all the dmg you take and, after 6s or recast, it sends it back to the attacker, all in one hit. So he combos that with Wild Magic.

-After Reprisal, he uses "Horror" (threshold), stuns for 3.6s and knocks the target back 1 tile.

-Reprisal goes off and so his Wild Magic.

That's the Reprisal kill. Hope it helped y'all to understand wtf was happening. And O, you're still bald. Love you man :)

lionmartian9046: Lmao

TheCaptainGram: LOOOOOL nah this is hilarious, MC energy from this guy

machinegunpictures: At least this proves OSRS pking taking infinitely more skill.

Feb 22 2025

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