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Everyone SHOULD Do This In RuneScape 3 2025

Angel_kun0: and there is me on PVM :D

1. - dps rotation - i smash abilities on random and do dmg :D

2. - defense abilities - panic and press them all to survive :D

3. - inventory management ?? - chuck food potions and im good :D

4. - keybinds ?? -what is that ??

sadmiqoxiv: Fuck full manual XD

If i wanted to sweat id go play a real MMO that isnt clunky as shit

michaelcisneros9735: I'd love to see a series where you tackle the PvM challenge list in RuneScape... but with a twist! I'm curious to see how far you can get using only mobile. Ideally, you could record your gameplay with a PC overlay (or even stream it live!) so we can see your screen, hear your commentary, and track your progress – including drops, GP, and overall wealth. Let's see what you can achieve!

1D.JFanMma: Now that makes total sense when it comes to being efficient in slaying bosses. You are saying that “ your way is fine but it wouldn’t hurt you if you tried doing manual” in fact you explained thoroughly why it’s a benefit. Also about having different bank pre-sets is a great idea.

Amazing video

ertyderty7: I personally hate the combat and mechanic system in RS3. They tried being like WoW but gave us a jerry rigged version that was poorly implemented and is absolutely unintuitive to use. Then their are way to many weapon, armor, potions and so on to learn about and to remember to use/bring even with presets. Compared to any other game I have every played the combat and everything to do with it is such a jumbled mess that I find zero enjoyment in any boss/ creature that I can't afk at this point.

wozie9736: A good guideline of a decent rotation is to always use threshold/special attacks ASAP when you reach 50% adren,

For example assume we are doing a basic ult rotation, sunshine > (adren pot) basics till 50% > wild magic/ashyphixiate or omnipower with zuk cape > basic till 50% > more thresholds > so on and so forth

Thats the basic idea of building a rotation based on your unlocks

SenatorAri: I was an Ovl Prayer Sharks kinda guy last year lmao. Wondering why I couldn't do any bosses other than GWD2

DoPpl3r-z7r: What I watch and see, yes, damage is good, but for players, it is better to learn good prayer flicking and boss mechanics. After learning this stuff, then you can be improving you damage rotation

Emz702: I play only on mobile and just got my stats to be able to do all the end game stuff...... but the only issue I have is that I'm permanently muted, so i haven't been able to ask anyone for help.... I've just been reading what I can on runewiki.. Which is a lot, but something like this video is so much better. So i thank you so much for this.... (and no I don't know what the heck i said to get muted, it didn't give me a reason.... and I did try finding out how I'd be able to send an email or some customer service contact but I found nothing really and just gave up)....

dbop3737: the most important thing i could thinmk of was do your quests

markthesunbro8186: Yeaaaaah, this is not for me, I'm too old for this

Kingsdragonz: Hi mate. I love your content.

I would appreciate a lot if you could keep timestamps on your video, please.

legendarytaratino7588: idk man ive lost all love for the game i cant bring myself to play anymore its so boring now ;0

Feb 13 2025

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