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ZEN is PHENOMENAL in Rocket League... SSL 2v2

Seculxr: zen and dark have played against each other in 2s but have they ever 1v1'd? been wanting to see that for what feels like years now

husseinam7679: We want dark with Okhaled

SuperUndercoverHackerMonkeyMan: hello

jonathanmontoya582: The way he keeps his car under control no matter what is crazy

luisrodriguez5438: I love that Catalysm is just focus on passing the ball to Zen and making no goals

FudBlazes: zen exotiik op

FatalityALivE: If zen is playing with Alpha or dark it looks like the enemys are platin

n00bApf3L: Damn when did Scrub get so washed?

Aug 18 2024

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