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Why is it getting harder for me to play Rocket League?

TheMemeBorrower.: Bro I honestly think if you play something OTHER than rocket league, you might actually gain viewership

loremaster73: Knock knock ditch is crazy wild. I only played ding dong ditch. I was a good kid.

HadesRL: If his sanity wasn’t gone from rocket league, the other “league” game will definitely make sure of it

Savvle: I'm all down for Rizzo league of legends streams

SaltMonarch: thumbnail seems to be missin a certain 2 towers

TheMemeBorrower.: Dawg please play literally anything else

probablysteven1325: Not the supertf thumbnail

3_Michael_: RizzoTF

beardolic: dad look im first

loremaster73: "How am I always in a 2v1" Bro its rocket league and ranked is absolutely fucked. lol Epic is the company that takes good games and ruins them. No surprise here.

Aug 02 2024

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