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When someone quick chats you in Rocket league I DIDNT START IT, BUT ILL FINISH IT

GenerationalDisappointment: Just like bullying, people always call out the person who retaliates instead of the one who started it
Hydra_Head: No way bro said “your toxic”
jogarmoon: I used to initiate and retaliate toxicity, but all that juice has been squeezed—all I got now is wholesomeness and my enjoyment of the game :P
isakaydduh5207: I sweeeeeeear this is how everyone is in this game. Calls you toxic but they start it. Female logic
Kplayz69: Lol the quick chat taunts go hard
BRNardy: It's just like a Heatseeker game I had one of these days, people always call out those who retaliate rather than those who start it

For context, I always play clean until someone from the other team decides to start bumping, then I go at it as well. And there was this one game that was flowing nicely, a minute in, me and my teammate were up by 2, until a guy from the other team decided to start demoing us. Then I started too, and the game became such a living hell for them that they had the audacity to ask me to stop in chat because it was "ruining the game". I was like "dude, you started it".
Bonded_RL: Relatable
kingveyrondejesus-ho3sw: Ah yes, Rocket League. My favorite non-toxic game.
pxrkzs: that goal on the beat drop sounds so goood
GQtheawesome: 5 seconds no views bro fell off
cyril4614: I'm addicted to the satisfaction feeling of victory after opponent got toxic

Jul 10 2024

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