sg0z: How did they get caught? Their plan was fool proof
___.___.___.___: Firstly I’d love to see tournaments like this for the memes and secondly respect to Mat for playing along and not being a buzzkill
Dragon_MC13: They wanted to be in a JohnnyBoi_i video so bad they were willing to lose 1-13
mikelowry7939: “And I would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling kids” ahh players
Revtheoryhellyeah: I love that nobody is mad about it. Just finding it funny that they did something so silly
demnicpanda4: this is way funnier than i though it was going to be lmao wild
xdt_: wait this is actually hilarious
Heroo01: JohnnyBoi Feer vs AppJack
misterros94: In case anyone is curious, Bodzio is Diamond 2 in 2s (Gold 3 in 1s) and Hahal0t is Diamond 3 in 2s (Diamond 1 in 1s)
Heroo01: inb4 RW9 and Kiileerrz team up for the next tourney LMAO
joogle7082: This is incredible, dubious well thought out plans like this usually go unnoticed for YEARS, I’m glad Mat was able to get his justice.
dinaxo6812: I'm pretty sure they didn't even hope to win, just did it for fun. Now I have a strong desire to do the same, always wanted to get clapped by a pro 1v2 or 1v3
ZachPPierce: “Score myself. My car is in the net, the ball is not in the net” made me laugh harder than it should have
Terribadguy.: Imagine seeing yourself front flipping everywhere and thinking "Yeah, I'm tournament ready."
CorvetteAustin24: Seeing Mat's skill compared to these mid tier players really puts his skills on full display. Insane speed, insane power, insane mechanics. It's hard to get that perspective when both players are much closer in skill at the highest ranks, but here it's just a masterclass. Great job, Mat!
bluejesus105: This is screaming DIAMOND so loud lol
matthewgd: lmaooo only having one of the guys at first was so funny
withered2398: imagine cheating so hard that you lost
pythin2040: Mat absolutely destroying in the 1v2 is so funny
needlegood: Poor fellows became educational material
COVID_Is_Not_Over_Yet: Feer vs JohnnyBoi I appjack commentary
Monwa: Hold on... what if i was one of these guys and i just joined Mat's team??? Couldn't i just get him banned/removed???
Oct 28 2024