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The WORST Part About Rocket League...

Senna18.automotive: “OwiWeoU!” - Coconut 2025

That quote really changes my life

domonkosfeher1036: 50 seconds of Coconut being a caveman




dooderman8361: Dude it’s one thing when the car goes behind you and demos, like sure I can understand that it was close enough that on his screen he hit me, but what I never understand is those ghost hits or ghost boost grabs, like bro didn’t grab the boost half a second ago and it just took a sec to update, nah he never even went close to the pad and just sucked it up? Like how tf are the servers that bad that your cars position just gets lost in the ether

Blackcatt15: Bros face on 2nd clip

Iceman-hb3uk: Wireless demos happen almost every match to me, and people have the courage to ask me why I'm going insane

Masternoddy2u: The bossy vacuum dlc is crazy

NozxyRL: My guys car really crashed out in the 2nd clip


theonlynuk3912: My friends always be telling me to stop making excuses until I saved the clip and made them watch it, I drove completely through mid boost and it didn’t give it to me, as I was completely covering it the opponent landed on top of my car and got the boost

pastorslant: Dude, it just keeps getting worse. I don't understand this game anymore. Lol

INSERTNAME1223: I swear lag makes us teleport

Damian_Wassup: Bro did like 2 accidental flip cancles

baileyrankin311: Rocket league is by far one of the worst games to get lag on. It’s too fast paced to be dealing with nonsense like that

daniel4dev: The servers be running on a bunch of raspberry pis, I swear

CorneliusBartholemue: Epic added Bluetooth boost too all opponents to make up for trading

MrAflac_1: Nah i tried to have a positive mindset and convince myself that my internet is just bad every time there is a lag, but im not having any of this now that i see this from other streamers… Epic Games just suck and dont even know how to fix their servers… this is absolutely pathetic and very disappointing to see from a big company.

ZachB587: My average game:

Random_bruh_name: This is so real tho Im definetly with you on this one

Henry_Martin: The worst part about rocket league...

... Read more

Is the teammate problem...

DN889: “What does he have the boost vacuum dlc”

DN889: “Nah that makes sense”

godyakzari2340: Forget the ball, you clearly wanted that bump instead

Theguywiththedancingemojipfp: The fact that my video was lagging throughout this is annoying yet perfect

Just-Ghassan: The context on the last clip

wyattaustinbutler: This is the best. Just seeing how lag makes gamers rage… keep it up!

xvishvax: Nah this short definitely the funniest one i saw today

Jan 27 2025

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