FlowStateGG: Brother I'm sorry but what was that AD read.... LMAOOOO
Decio.11: Imagine smurfing in bronze
astrogaming5711: That Ad Had Me Dying LOL
slyfer81: The plat that only trained air mechanics lol. His ground control was dog shit
broadviewunderstanding4740: So glad to hear more and more people say it. C2-3 is litterally just old gc's and its so hard to get past it
Doctor_Dank: Bro had to cook someone else after his analysis with Leth.
JxsonKrl: I can 100% relate with your exclamation that you do not know how C2 gameplay would look like. There are like chasing diamond lobbies and the next game it is literally some gc lobby
Misox16: 17th like
townnoodle1153: For the people who has alpha boost, it’s because they were the ones who uploaded the relay and it carried over their bakkes preset
rkmusicandlife: the amount of smurfs in this vid...
MDK94: The diamond didn't buy gold rush. He uses BM and uses it through there. It's also him who uploaded the replay and items you equipped in BM are saved in your replays.
UpgradeRL: You had a chance to put an ssl game in the plat slot
Madbobo: why did he start the ad like that
Jsn-888: I like chickens.
3peiecerl: Cbell im a gold and i can ac air dribbel
SuperMariocapo: I've been c1-c2 for the last two seasons and it is so hard to get out of there, even to c3... I encounter too many gcs from s13/14
jicksle: I think this video should’ve touched on the fact that high rank players sometime end up in lower ranks if they stop playing the game consistently, so like the guy with the alpha boost , may have been a champ in the past but he doesn’t play as much now so he’s in diamond
Glaxothecringe: its crazy how much GCs love going into the corners with their teammates rather than defend the mid space
ANormalCenterBack: Im gold and i can quad reset
daytol69: there was a silver player with alpha boost as well lmao who are these secret pro accounts?
Feb 13 2025