soccerFRK06: Leth " there is a 3 point goal at the bottom" 17 times everyone in the game 10 minutes later, " I didn't know there was a goal at the bottom"
cosmic6616: Rocket League but in a pizza box and every game the box gets deeper until it gets to deep dish
Rhink: SUGGESTION: Every time a goal is scored, the boost pads give 1 less boost. Big ones would go down as well. Eventually it could get to the point where the little ones give negative boost and the big ones give positive. Hard mode(Or this could be a completely separate game): Continue until the big boost pads start to give negative boost and you have to turn boost recharge on and AVOID boost pads. If as separate, make the boost pads take away the same value they would give.
TheRealPhilips: We got fall guys in rocket league before we got GTA6
nicobrnl: crazy good video leth, keep up the grind my g!!
SunsetProdz4: Hello
syrus2128: Hi
Lxstpops: before an hour gang
drumsofberk: Frank, you are now a pro. You have always been a pro at comedic timing
user-db6jd6wn3h: Another great video Leth keep it up.
Jul 20 2024