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Warflord: Leth really had to add the "I swear bro, I'm not scamming you" with the insight at the end

rmg2022: In a squeaky voice: Inky, Pinky, Blinky, and

In a low voice: Clyde

emzeyz4780: Scamamyr back at it again!

Smileypieman101: I love that you added that ending haha. Gotta prove that Scamamyr wasn't back at it again. That was an awesome map though! I have to show my dad, he was a massive fan of Pac-man when he was younger!

tvrizzle1: This is the best video, lol, you should play this ALL the time! A rematch with a fixed map is definitely needed…!

haydenduvall3100: every day at 11 heaven is brought down to youtube for about 25 minutes

Borealis0000: hey Leth you should try Turbo Golf Racing and Rocket Assualt. They're similar to Rocket League and they're pretty fun

mikephillis5013: scamamyr at it again, but one of the best maps in ages.... good watch, need the waka waka noice as boost noise

Firestarsparkle: I love this idea try maybe other classics

youssefhosni5611: a very good video, I love you very much

May 27 2024

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