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Rocket League needs to fix THIS and about 100 other things

shadehardy7170: 102 years that how old does that make you rizzo

ItsTheLedge: That lag is like what a majority of my games look like

abelinkinxvi1735: Server lag mixed with my bad wifi equals a bad time

chrishudson8460: Bro is actually on LoL rn

tonydegraff7354: Liking for the the French lesson!

soulustrous6452: he really dressed like he in prison

ughitstom: "what happened to the game i love" epic games happened

kevc130: Anyone else unable to get training packs on Xbox?

lettucehead6151: rizzo am i pookie

spekkzy2775: yooooooooooo wat up riiiiizzzzzzoooooo

Liam_Sether: Hi

Jul 26 2024

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