genomexp: This "play 3 matches maybe have guest" content trap you find yourself in is self imposed and not really audience capture. I'd gladly watch you do other stuff. You can pull other pro's replays and react to and break them down. You can get your ancient replays and roast your old self. You can do RL Storytime w/ Uncle Rizzo and lay down some lore since you've been around since the beginning. You can tierlist the Monstercat soundtrack updates. You can drop RL entirely and talk about your year in gaming. People are here for you, not the car soccer. If you're not having much fun, neither will we.
xzaviervazquez6595: “I’m glad I got a ad so I don’t have to watch your game play” is CRAZY
milodube1631: solo queue is doomed in every competitive game now, id like to see you play games with friends!
Iord: Bro drew meat canyon
TrenosUK: Bro fell off
calebhelling5924: Love you Rizzo
anthonysousa5693: Still waiting for them to add podracers lol
captain_furret: Pls add the Oscar myer bus
curlywhites: I've been demoed and have demoed with the bottom of the car (being landed on).
xBooMzHeadShotx: eyy
Aug 10 2024