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Rocket League, but were IN THE BACKROOMS

Jermstain: Shark's mic honestly fits the backrooms pretty well

7josh23: Backrooms in rocket league before GTA6

trueberryless: It's crazy that Leth pulls up with such maps. I mean you have to think about what concepts need to work just for this: Automated player following, randomized timers for the lights and Smiley spawns, handling all states between multi players, good map design choices, and so on. Just absolutely amazing work!


vince_kelley: Imagine playing a back rooms game, and you turn the corner just to see a bunch of small cars boosting around playing with a ball

cantbedeleted: I feel like this map could work well for a 10 vs 10.

grumpymonkey14: Coco and Guh 'There's 2 goals?!?!'

Leth; 'I'm on the other team'


viper7981: This video is like when the Avengers assembled. The Lethaverse is expanding

matthew_1-1: Watching leth because Retals didn't upload

lewismcdonaldvgm: what a lineup of players, this is gonna be chaotic

TheDaddy187: leth coming off a 2-0 loss to gyro for a years supply of g-fuel

Nov 02 2024

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