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joshhallsworth2534: I'm diamond and I could beat you guys if you were reversed and I was normal. 1v1 me

SteffedPepper: Love when you play with DIPAR

itzkiblo: Looks like we found another handicap for Danny to try

BlakieTT: Leth really out here making it a Freakie Friday.

treasureboxgaming7109: You know it's time to prank some people by having them with this mod while you blend in. Perfect for when JG comes back.

uhohhotdog: You’ve done enough road to ssl to know this isn’t bronze play. This still looks better than my plat lobbies

Edit: Ok you mention it later.

PhoenixVaithilingam: Leth you think that's champ? I challenge you and rapid with my duo, we're champs! Let's see if your game sense beats champs while you two are reversed

Sep 11 2024

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