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Rocket League, but every game more BOOST IS RANDOMLY DESTROYED

mathieucote3728: I thought this video was about boost pads randomly disappearing during the game, that would be so funny to watch

HydroHUN: I love this idea, but I do wonder, is it possible to make an altered version of this where every time someone picks up a boost it has a 5% chance to never regenerate until the end of the game?

lasagnapotato3853: Love that jg took a minute break from absolute hatred commentary to drop an ASPCA commercial

AztrosX: Please excuse my glazing, but anybody that has watched Lethamyr for years knows he is one of the greats of RL. He has kept Rocket League alive singlehandedly with his custom map and video creation. In addition, he has consistently competed at the highest level of the game overtaking many of the worlds best players without serious commitment to doing so. His impeccable timing, knowledge of the game and team player mentality makes up for where he may lack mechanically. If he chooses to pick up the game again professionally, there is no doubt that he will do extraordinarily well. The question is not, "Is he good enough?" it is, "Who will he team with?" and "What two players would compliment his game the best in standard 3v3?"

Silvauric.: as a D3 that CAN flip reset i can confirm it does NOT make a difference, i am NOT good at the game. JG IS right.

integercyclolcyc: this is the RNG element of rocket League...

palpaleo: Leth could 1000% still be a pro. His game sense if FAR

jhallen2260: Rocket League, but your car only has ball collision at Super Sonic

dominichayles2271: LETH YOU DA GOAT!!!

Jul 15 2024

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