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Reaching Rocket League SSL is only the beginning...

MrKingawesome: That thumbnail is depressing, I just hit 4k hours over the last 8 years and I'm still a diamond lol

GravitationallyChallenged: "We're farming tokens today" Bro knows he's winning every game.

JokingJohnnyJr: “SSL is only the beginning” I HAVENT EVEN STARTED!?

uhohhotdog: I much prefer these videos without comms. With comms just feels so sweaty.

SportySnake: Leth beating gojo in a 2v2 tournament has to be the most peak gameplay I've ever seen

robertcarson7871: Rocket League is the only game where you can be really good at the game and STILL be trash

On another note, I wonder how many people look at the other players, see Leth and Rapid, and just panic lmao

ErnestDavisLive: Who else likes Leth's long vids

DerbyCityRockCo: Jukugo: nervous chuckle

Smallsisplaying: Precise venom might be the coolest RL generated name of all time. Usually it’s like barred toadstool or super chinchillas

Aug 08 2024

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