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Pros try Rocket League JUGGERNAUT

nitsua6253: u need to make a custom map with proximity chat it would be hilarious flying past your friend screaming a custom map with it

justinbrunow5264: Leth- hey guys let's not swear as much to help Danny out.

Cheese- oh f$#% X100000000

_mickmccarthy: I feel like Danny needs a raise after editing that one

corbanlunt9862: The amounts of times cheese says “fiveup” in these videos

jaxsonadams2421: I love when leth adds power to his hits with the "BANG!"

Headlesshobos: This trio with the 1v1v1 map you did with Retals and Arsenal would be insane

robertcarson7871: I just finished fixing my car's suspension (a week long!) And I made food, sat down, and watched Leth while I eat, before I head off to work.

Life is good

Sep 23 2024

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