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Creating the Perfect Rocket League Player

saxamophone76: It’s strange that you felt the need to create the perfect player, when VKSailen already exists.

Mr_I3lue: Bro just created beastmode

DonutL: Jessie in the thumbnail

somerandomchad469: No Beastmode mention in offensive skills and no Daniel mention in Adaptability. That's crazy.

yosifmohsen625: we all know the best rocket league player is johnny and jessie mixed

acoutre: To me, Zen is probably the closest at the moment to the perfect RL player. He ticks all of these boxes and shown it on LAN even when Vitality were at their worst.

subparpt: BMode HAS to be in Offensive Skill in his current form man, he is always on ball and always creating insane pressure

benjikami: bro took out leadership bc he would’ve had to praise retals

icedglizzy1403: 4 EU



1 NA

And somehow none of the picks are bad. There are many options for each quality. Goes to show how many great players there are.

jakke6339: Perfect rocket league player is obviously a mixture of Scrubkilla, Markydooda and Johnny

Lynix27: My list based of 2023 - 2024 RLCS Season

Mechanics: Zen

Game Sense: Itachi

Defensive Skills: RW9

Offensive Skills: Beastmode

Mental Toughness: Rise

Adaptabillity: Seikoo

Leadership: Retals/AppJack

Consistency: Daniel

Mikesaveliff: If you include retired players, I think Rizzo needs to be in the mental toughness category. His followers are nothing but trolls and he still makes content haha

Jul 19 2024

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