objectobject255: seeing empy hit those bows was really painful, went to fracture one myself and lost 21 1in4s lol
TheOctaviusLee: That str stacking amulet with reduced proj speed makes me want to vomit
xnzainx4729: Unreal the juice hit 9 for the mirror.
phen6075: That minus mana amulet is insane. You can easily keep up the pen tincture with no other investment.
Yahn_PR: how do people still give squidman magebloods lmao, they havent learned from the other videos. GG noobs
lucasdesvignes7190: magebloods always poofs, it's in the code
mattbas-vi7750: The best reset for the amulets is a cheap anoint
ticethomas1035: Wow i can't believe you hit the awakened Enlightened corrupt or that's it's worth that much
ukdnbmarsh: how to pick up reflecting mist from floor?
thecarp1991: His Labret appears off center and its crushing my ability to concentrate on the massive gambas
aloysiusSABNSK: Dang that rng god on awak enlighten. I already brick like 20 of the regular ones
Sep 18 2024