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Warcry BUFF EFFECT is INSANE! Warcry Scaling Potential Overview Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur

omegasybers1110: The intro perfection

locmorningstar2740: Remember to get warcry buff you have to self cast no automation here, so more warcry = more buttons to press.

PaintMasterPoE: My comment got deleted because I forgot that youtube doesn't allow links

addict3d1224: There are 2 options for those using an eternal apple for automated warcries for exerted attacks/buffs as an alternative to autoexertion. Cheap: Use scold's bridle replica fragility small cluster enduring composure notable. Late game set up: Echoes of Creation 2 Min Endurance Charge rings small cluster enduring composure notable. If you get the "Warcries have a minimum of 10 Power" mastery, you'll get partial buffs during normal combat and you'll always have max power during boss fights.

yongqijing3785: I made a rough pob, with chieftain and only passive tree, can easily get 105% warcry buff, and more than 10s buff duration and less than 4s cool down

cashandraven2369: GGG has said for years that they wanted to shift gameplay to something that is more active and make equipment matter more, they have done so and look at the reaction. Cant have anything nice with fans like this I swear.

n8doggy733: "Now I fight as Horah Loux, WARRIORRARRRR!!"

dervakommtvonhinten517: without warcry automation it would be like playing the piano, and i think the warcry automation now reserves mana and doesnt give you its effects right?

Seelenverheizer: very nice ideas but GGG again not understanding that literally nobody will manually warcry and slowing themselves down by doing so. Instant cry with automation or bust. great video.

Jul 23 2024

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