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Use This Trick to Get MORE Currency in PoE Settlers while Shipping

Subxenox15: Yeah they said in the league announcement video that it was a multiplier for goods, but drastically increased the chance of failure.

albezus: And remember to always click your chests!

MrForgetful: Great to see you playing a league again, Don :) I hope you love it. Keep up the great work. Video was helpful too

JordonDereykC: Just tested this in a bit more depth. It looks like there are diminshing returns on the amount of dust you add.

150 dust is where I'd probably draw the line as best value unless you're rolling in dust and even then its exponentially diminishing returns.

For example 10 dust with any shipment appears to increase the value by 151% where as 300 dust only gets you a 238% value increase.

FedoraB0realis735: Did not have DonTheCrown back in Poe on my bingo card! I followed your Splitting Steel build long after you took your break love to have you back!

icecoldporksoda3461: Oh wow, don is playing POE again. Melee buffs were enough to draw you in?

Frost5825: Glad to have you back don, hope you like the new league!

spitzhorneule: When do you get a second or third ship?

I upgraded the port multiple times. Upgrade-text stated " 1 ship" but I only have one

andersongomes3211: WELCOME BACK!

mmmyummymmm: Damn i already sent my ship out! Going to try this when it gets back

yunsikchoi8121: Welcome back don!

Jul 31 2024

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