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This NEW Path of Exile 2 Gameplay Is UNBELIEVABLE!

TaherAbdelazim: 15 minute searing exarch boss fight in act 3, that drops a wisdom scroll, mana flask and a blue axe when defeated. ruthless vision is alive and well.

omegasybers1110: The Interviewer is Maurice Weber and he was flown out to the second Exile Meet

user-mc4bi6dx5h: nooo i need to go to sleep, its 4am in germany

Hueybro: As a console player i genuinly hope we get mnk support. I love using the controller but when youre in endgame setting up multiple maps to run its tedious to say the least. i would love to be able to use mnk while interacting with stash menus to streamline the experience.

junk3996: oh SNAP

you can pause PoE2? this just instantly became my most anticipated game then. instantly.

being a husband and dad of three young children i have a few must-haves and must-have-nots for games i play now. #1 it cannot be anything competitive #2 no multiplayer required #3 must be able to be paused

few others but those are the most important. not needing to be online is a massive bonus but not required as long as i can pause the game. that is absolutely huge!

p1shinji: One interesting thing that the game Director mentioned in the Ziggurrat was that u get Dmg when ur staying in the Sun, thats why he pulls the Enemies in the Shadows.

adriandraganescu6040: I was glad to hear Mark say "soulslike boss mechanics" in the last video they put up. Looking forward to actually feeling good when I overcome a challenge in PoE2 as opposed to one-shotting everything mindlessly

KingTUMMAN: I thinks WASD in ARPG is a bit underrated for some reason I don't understand.

I'm not sure which ARPG using this first but after I play it on VRising, I really love it

It look clunky and stiff at first but when you get used to it, this method of control made Boss fight or even normal Mechanic alot more interesting

Don't get me wrong, the OG ARPG control is good too but from what I see, POE2 is best with WASD.

mitchavedon: thanks for covering all of this, man! love the videos

Aug 29 2024

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