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The Simplest And Best Path of Exile QoL Additions For PoE 3.25

MimiMimi-yj4kl: automation and call to arms gems should be white color

SoupOrSalad: The left aligned text is actually really nice!!

CouchOwner2: honestly just a system that lets us read the debuffs we've been subjected to over the past minute would do wonders. currently a new league comes out, some new debuff is available to enemies (often bosses), and god only knows what exactly it does because it probably lasts like 2 seconds or is lingering ground AoE and kills you if you stand in it long enough to read.

matthewshaw3641: I like to see them remove the ability to use a portal on boss fights. I think it is cheesy people can just portal to town in a boss fight.

TobiNoFrAg: Diablo 3 has an identity all feature, so PoE wouldn't be the first.

matthewshaw3641: I think they could remove all crafting and just give us drops. I dont like have to spend 90% of my game devoted to getting crafting materials to spend a week to craft one item. I want to just bash monsters for drops that matter. Crafting should never be more powerful than what you can get from drops.

MrDarkBM: The biggest QOL patch will be removing corpses from blocking my gameplay and items.

jusibai813: i wish there will be a auto identify keystone in atals tree

fvzi4861: All I want is the return of TOTA

jachymtousek8728: Colors for just map modifiers would be a bad thing. The same issue exists with Delve mods, Expedition mods and Eldritch altars. It should address all of that.

iKnowMungFu: Maximum quality in ONE click!? Madness... :)

Jun 24 2024

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