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The INITIAL Path of Exile 2 Passive Skill Tree Is MASSIVE!

joaofernandes9458: production value increasing

Dakkon76: I wouldn’t call it a tree anymore, but a passive constellation system. Love it!

kbutta01: I’m constantly impressed by the animation quality and skill effects in POE2 it’s such a massive leap from every other ARPG I’ve played so far.

frankjr.3916: Just seeing the skill tree has me overwhelmed...yes I'm a noob in the ARPG world

inc0rect2011: looks more like grimdawn constellations, which is kewl

mromg8282: It's no longer a tree. It's a whole damn forest.

str1ky: Feedback on the mic: Sounds good, but if you have one (digital or analog): a de-esser would make it even smoother!

CowPimp: My main observation with the tree is it seems they are making it easier to travel to distant (other class areas) parts of the tree. In the PoE1 tree, all the classes start further from the center, and their starting areas clog passage to further parts of the tree. So, most folks travel to the outermost ring, or the one right before it, in order to travel to distant parts of the tree.

The PoE2 tree starts everyone in the center and has a travel ring closer to the center. This makes more sense conceptually, at least to me. That is, the diversification happens by traveling along the inner rings; specialization happens by heading toward those specialized clusters on the outer most ring.

At the same time, it seems like it might require more travel points to go to the completely opposite side of the tree because of the inability to cut through the center. So, light travel is probably similar, moderate is easier, and really distant travel may be harder. I guess we'll see in practice.

If you ever get the chance to interview a GGG dev about this, you should ask if this is intentional, or something more open ended like "what were the main goals with the tree redesign?"


GmodMark: Grim Dawn has constellation stuff

cwingnam: the double sided axe thing is probably a quarterstaff / staff nodes for the monk since it is between the int/dex and dex starting location, the skull is probably the necromancy nodes like the fire, ice and lightning nodes at the top the tree representated by the fire, ice flake and lightning shape

Sep 02 2024

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