greypolar2720: I'll play both and be twice as happy.
tonitgc663: Diablo 4 and Poe 2, are different games to me. They are different enough to be competitors and that's why I play D4 and Poe and will continue to play D4 and Poe2
mattheo7634: I like how DM is starting to give video edit cue to Frosty
Xariann: In addition to the marketing, Diablo 4 is part of a franchise that existed during the nostalgia years of a lot of people who play D4 now. So there is that too.
krylesangerbeaver: "Frosty, don't clip that" was so funny! It's just always on DM mind now
alessioleporati1478: The problem with comparing D4 with PoE 2 is that PoE 2 is not out yet and never judge a game that hasn't been fully released to the public. We don't know what problems will come with the launch of PoE 2. PoE 2 could be a completely different game and philosophy than D4 and PoE 1 that it could turn away some players. PoE 2 looks like a cool game visually and mechanically but how will it hold up in the endgame/long run? D4 in the meantime is getting a big buff with the expansion. PoE 1 wasn't exactly the best game when it first came out. It took at least 4 years for PoE 1 to be decent enough to maintain a stagnant player base. When PoE 2 was in development, it didn't have D4 in mind, PoE 2 wasn't trying to learn from D4. The developers at GGG had all their inspiration taken from Elden Ring so it could end up being a completely different genre than D4.
heronplayer8419: when poe came to early acess the biggest problem was the lack of content, but the basic machanics were there, and this moved a whole comunity arround it..
volodymyru2760: Your experience with D3 was my experience with D4 lol. I never understood the hate. I loved D4 since launch.
HuyNguyen-ev7mp: I was a big D4bad guy until season 4. After trying season 4 out i'm fairly positive about d4's future. The game is fun to play now and a lot more good changes coming in season 5. Still no endgame but ... i think more endgame will eventually come. So yeah i'll enjoy both game and be twice as happy.
dustinw41: The difference is that Diablo 4 is a half ass game trying to make the most money from micro transactions and POE is just trying to make a good quality game from day 1.
jonpro9637: Some can say, "Just play both," but for those of us with limited time, who dont get to play games all day, it's somewhat unrealistic. Many of us will have to choose, and from what I've seen of POE2, I won't be touching D4 much at all once it releases.
Jun 24 2024