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THE BRUTAL EVISCERATOR! Gorathas Gladiator Build Overview Mechanics Path of Exile 3.25

DoCKeDfromBSS: Nice coverage on the build! Goratha low key has influenced the meta builds the past 3-4 leagues, he’s a genius.

TBrius88: Us gladiators are eating good this league!

TheBoatis: My build ended up very similar at level 95:

Still using Jack, the Axe

I went with a Chaos Res Light of Meaning to go from negative to capped, giving up a lot of potential increased phys.

Stormshroud over the 70% ailmemt avoidance boots. Will look into those!

I've used Lacerate almost the whole way, and only just started with Eviscerate when bossing DPS wasn't there. I will respec into retal skills and the ascendancy node once I find other ways to Aggravate.

Lucky block is the best melee has felt in ages - I'm at 70/70, which is 91/91 after lucky.

If you're sick of dying to lag or you just wanna ignore 90% of attacks (except those t17 flamebloods), bleed glad is an amazing build right now.

kalelus: Hearing this music in the background makes me miss the trial of the ancestors league...

Fragmaster01: Good stuff. The variant I crafted(lower budget) instead uses the "every fourth retaliation skill crits" with crit ailment modifier support instead of volatility. Not as strong as the super lucky rolls of volatility, but far more consistent since you know every fourth hit will slap.

Lacerate used instead of Bladestorm for smoother clear. Lacerate of Hemorrhage is not recommended due to the reduced area(feels bad). Works well with a glove that has "supported by bleed chance support" for more bleed damage. It's meant for killing trash mobs and fishing for aggravate procs, since the 25% eldritch glove mod is expensive.

When leveling, consider the "retaliation skills fortify" notable for anointing while you're still limited on links.

Defenses more come from a strong shield and the 150% shield defense wheel, endurance and frenzy on block from the block wheel down bottom. Cluster jewel that gets upgraded as you gain currency for damage and life(skip the medium jewels and go straight to life).

Windowlick_: I played this on leaguestart. The damage numbers are a bit low, but the clear is fairly solid, and it's crazy tanky considering how low of a budget I put into it.

nathanfay1988: Whenever I see "immortal" I have to ask, would you run a Void Valdo's Map with this build?

MaldingSjomp: I just want to mention that I just found out that PoB applies tincture effects twice, which make them seem stronger than they actually are.

Since both increased effect and quality applies to the item directly unlike flasks, PoB will apply it twice, if you have 35% increased tincture effect 20% quality it will take the 155% increased damage that is visually on the tincture and multiply that by 1.55 resulting in 240% increased damage, if you want accurate numbers for your tincture you should remove any quality and increased effect modifiers from your tincture in PoB.

user-yi3wp7km8u: Wonderful build introduction as always. I don't play ailment builds anymore simply because of these 2 map mods "Monsters have a 50% chance to avoid Poison, Impale, and Bleeding", "Monsters have 70% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments", which for 62% increased map explicit gives monster 81% chance to avoid bleed. (The 70% completely switch off any offense for ignite builds). Imo, GGG should consider lowering these values or completely removing them. Of course rerolling is always an option but just hate to do that and they are fairly common mods.

n8doggy733: my build is immortal too! well, at least until I get hit

Aug 25 2024

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