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Lovyxia: Next video: Armor somehow turns out to make you take MORE damage.

fkocaman: The year is 2029, I wake up and watch Kripp's Armor Saga part 47. It is already proven that armor makes you take more damage, but the new evidence suggest that armor is the leading cause of erectile dysfunction. Jonathan from GGG hops on a podcast to announce that they will look into it and need more data before they can fix it. I log into my Archmage Spark Sorc and 1-shot Arbiter in 0.09 seconds. It drops my 394th Morior Invictus. I corrupt it and it bricks, deleting all the mods, turning it into a plain white t-shirt. It's only worth 150 divines now.

jessepinkman6041: On the next video, Kripp finds out that actually armor does nothing, it’s just placebo effect

Dziodan: I can hear DMs voices in my head feedbacking Jonathan that warrior has the worst of everything

briankay3146: I don't get their argument that armor shouldn't let you mitigate big boss slams. Isn't that the whole player fantasy of the guy in huge armor just able to shrug off big nasty hits without even flinching? And then you have mages with energy shield actually easily face tanking the same hit.

Edit: I've talked so much shit on warrior I'm playing one now SSF but i'm going armor evasion. No shields because they engender passivity.

superlurkeable: Next video: Armor actually adjusts your income to be taxed in a higher bracket. Also armor converts elemental damage into actual heat damage to your GPU. Sometimes, armor will wake up before you do, and drain your brake fluid before you drive off to work.

I knew a guy who did armor once...all it took was one hit and he was out...

Talk to your kids about armor

Hankblue: Hey Kripp how's it going, guys here.

justachad6494: Obviously they announced armor buffs...however, the buffs mean nothing as long as the "Breaks Armor" mod is on enemies. There's no other enemy mod that completely negates your defense like Armor Break. Sure, there are enemies with "Accurate", but it doesn't make your Evasion 0%. Same with ES. There's no enemy mod whatsoever that takes away ALL your defense like "Breaks Armor".

Steph1: Jonathan Rogers: it’s actually not that bad.

Kripp: let me stop you right there

UlfMTG: I think the whole "armor is worse the more dmg you take" thing is just bad. They should just make it a flat reduction

exciting-burp: What boggles the mind is how armor has a implicit debuff on top of being the worst option.

AlinaTaylor-p4g: Amour will be good soon.

Corrupted: Im so ready for the "Kripp PoE2 Armor Supercut compilation - all 7 hours of the saga"

z3r0pointflux: GGG seemed caught off guard by a lot of the questions. Was kind of surprising.

MidnightRiderr369: Warrior main here. If they don't redesign armor completely fuck PoE2 imho. Great job as always Kripp !

coreyrachar9694: I laughed out loud when they said armor and warrior were fine in the interview. My cat thought I was insane.

Keln02: I get the idea behind overwhelming physical resist, since you have Elemental penetration.But you can overcap your resistances. Can't overcap armour. And Armour scales down as you go up in levels.

What is even the point if armour won't protect you against a big hit? But it can be evaded or fully absorbed by shield? And then on top of that, again, overwhelm. They really don't like armour in the design team.

I'm left wondering... Why create such a complex system? Can't tweak it easily, and no one likes it when the thing doesn't do what's written on the box.

Exzeph: my other favorite line from the interview was Johnathon basically saying he didn't feel like he could balance warrior until he balanced the other classes first, well... it's nice knowing you Warrior you won't be in consideration until 2028 I guess xD

derpataur1162: I think the funny part, is that anything they do to buff armour is also going to buff the enemies, thus making physical damage for players shittier.

bartoszmisztal6861: Are they buffing armor by flat 15% DR or 15% of the current DR?

SolidBold00: How do they expect anyone to actually ever dual wield when you basically have zero defenses without a shield? lol makes no sense

Calamity556: Armour should provide a complete physical resistance percentage to ALL hits, the value being based on the amount of armour you have (similar to Warframe's armor scaling formula).

TheDSSlayer: i wonder how GGG overlooked this problem this is a serious issue for armour not working properly lol so that interview they most likely wasnt aware because they would of DEFO mentioned it

Duoghan: I feel conceptually the stance that armour is only meant for small hits is going to keep it as a problem. Until this stance is changed its very hard to make armour efficient 1) Most time you die is from sudden bursts in which for most case is from big hits. 2) smaller hits generally come from smaller mobs, and smaller mobs are vulnerable to other mitigation sources like CC/running away/kill faster making it easier for other defense stackers to handle those (hence indirectly reducing inherent impact of armour). 3) armour = slower meaning less moving away from damage.

All this is then compounded by design choices like armour breaks which seem super easy to do because armour break Stacks, unlike elemental reduction or penetration. Also overwhelm physical etc.

brandoncarter2624: Why the hell would they make armour reduce less damage the bigger the hit. The point of stacking armoir is to reduce the bigger hits more then the original percentage.

Kingarachnis: On warrior, I got rid of all my armour nodes and only do block to max and any hp I can get and never looked back...

Jan 15 2025

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