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Some of the BEST League Start Builds for PoE 3.25 Ratings Explanations Path of Exile Guide

flyguytv6776: <---- Stayed to the end and now you're conflicted about what you heard button.

joshyelite: I operate on a simple metric. the lower the visual clarity the better the build. ideally I cant see the game at all, that is if i get any frames

payne6454: You just gained my biggest streamer respect for considering Visual Clarity as an important build strat.

tiend3220: Thanks Lily. I've been enjoying your content. Keep up the good work!

heathgullery4848: Yeah, I mentioned the warden LS was glass cannon on another build creators thread and he got very defensive, no pun intended lol

stuffstuffy8585: Last thing I want to hear about is Lily's world-shattering 19-incher log

raybk9677: thank you for the yap session lily

mattb6646: 6 portal defense

pickboaa: If someone wants to play a spark build Anime princess archmage spark looks pretty good and he got a comprehensive guide for it aswell. And Snoobae85 Warden Ele hit of the spectrum looks pretty good aswell. Both of these is probably a softcore build.

SirDonko12: Thanks lily. Im going to have this playing in the background while i smoke meth and do yard work

Jul 29 2024

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