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PoE Enjoyers Can Rejoice Settlers of Kalguur Looks Like The Most Ambitious PoE League Yet

mb8132: mathil drunk posting on youtube is hilarious

sNNNNNable: The auto mapping thing seems nice for non red maps that I otherwise would have never done anything with

maxlu2456: Yo mathil looking like a great jack sparrow

Tofilux: my man even got the jack sparrow hand movements

mas0ny149: we do be LOGGING IN to play clash of clans

furtie: Wow, this league looks MASSIVE! Was not expecting that much.

NiceOneChameleon: So glad someone came out and said Catan

luhcsgrimm8857: D4 in ABSOLUTE shambles. "Oh here's this league mechanic it's kinda cool" incomes PoE "CHOP CHOO MF WE GOT TOWN MANAGEMENT AND SOME OF THE BIGGEST QOL IN HISTORY"

tomektomecki: this movie is best Jack Sparrow cosplay ever :D

tlambert01588: Mathil sounding like he’s 13 again getting ready to login to D2. Referencing the pindlebot lmao. I know I’m hype.

Rodedenderon: Im straight... i think.

hitlord: Once upon a time, I'd sell every map that wasn't the one I was running.

Now I have slav- ahem, bots to do them for me? Yeah, they are being auto run while I pray for RNGesus that the bots find me some good shit.

Jul 22 2024

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