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PoE 3.25 Stable CHEAP Farming Strategy, 6 DivH Path of Exile Atlas Guide

scrangos: the bottom most map device slot is buggy, put your map there

mahmutkocarslan8413: hey i ve been running this from the start why u share sadge

Puddz: Hey thanks for this. Actually dooable strategy where I'm not dying every other map run. So I can finally level up and make some profit doing so.

But I got to ask how you're getting other divination cards besides the realm? It seems to be the only one dropping for me.

Jerry_Owens: In the atlas tree you're going around the top small nodes just for the mid effect or?

SaabiMuller: Beyond is the pinnacle of poe tbh. Just so many monsters

DeividMahs: Maybe numb question but, I need equip the gem to get exp or just leave on the inventary?

qwbarch: Should I have all my favored map slots unlocked before trying this strategy out?

gidong222: How did you solve the mana decline?

I think I'm a little short of mana. I'm following your node little by little. I even took the skill on the top left, but I still wasn't good enough, about for attack skill

tails21c: Is this also good for gold and level up?

Aug 11 2024

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