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POE 3.25 Spoilers Day 17 Currency Market. Patch Note Changes Settlers of Kalguur Path Of Exile

paulbatum: Really nice to see GGG come back with a fix for the warden issue without nerfing taming into the ground, and so quickly too!

raikaria3090: Glass Shanks got nerfed back down, because they are the base type that animate weapon pulls from when it uses blades. Buffing their base crit is an Animate Weapon buff

moocowpong1: The concern about faking a popular trading currency is a good one to mention, but it isn't risk-free for the people trading things back and forth in esoteric currencies. You can't choose who you're trading with in this system, so anyone who notices that someone is doing this to make it look like a simulacrum is worth two redeemer's exalted orbs when it's actually worth one, can offer their own simulacra at that price and make a profit at these people's expense. (They could then trade the redeemer's exalted orbs for chaos and then chaos for more simulacra to close the loop, of course.)

voswouter87: You'd have to spend quite a lot of gold to manipulate the market.

They won't include non-market trades in the numbers.

And if a new price is significantly different they can delay using it until it has been confirmed by a number of other trades.

Zdog696: Slight correction. Glass shank IS getting its base crit increased. It is a typo that was fixed. Glass shank wasnt supposed to be listed under the 7% pathnote, but rather the 7.5% patchnote.

"Flaying Knife, Glass Shank, and Skinning Knife now have a base Critical Strike Chance of 7.5% (previously 6%)." This is the real one.

MrPhyloso: You are right about the market and I like you advices about it. But If you dont try to get rich with flipping it doesnt matter I think. If I never use my x redeemer orbs but i want to run y simulacrums the exchange still has value for me. Price and Value is not the same. But exchanging the redeemer orb for Chaos at first will be what most people do anyway.

redfish337: Back as an option?

The totem mastery was "Totems Taunt Enemies around them for 1 second when Summoned"

stay_in_school-8048: First

zxkredo: Well what if they count each player as only one trade? Maybe one trade every day?

That way they wont be considered for repeated trades for statistics.

kingwhoisfire8455: I just thought of an excellent idea, have a public log in the currency market of all the trades that have happened, so anyone can look and see that "oh this group of people have been trading these two items between each other". This will make it clear that an item is artificially high, and how it happened.

lordjefferson1234: hit the bell people

Jul 23 2024

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