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PoE 3.25 How To Get 3 Implicit Synthesis Items Why

exeedorbit: This is perfect. I would love, love, LOVE more of these. Thanks so much for this. I always thought rerolling implicit modifiers with the vulture gave you a chance to get more.

BackwardsFish86: Shitstainsteve cameo pog

borRIING: Makes sense. To get the synth items, we don't do any synth maps, but do beast/harvest.

Sparkyhobbies: Wow, a short video from Belton! Good Job Belton!

michaelh370: This is the shit we needed. More of this please. Thanks Belton.

antimitsu: I appreciate the upload after the failed attempt. XD

MooseMeus: i just made this character yesterday and it's level 99?

WitherAndrot: Why did they remove triple synth items drop from uber cortex?

user-ts4mz3jy9i: I love the way you get straight into the information. Clear, concise POE information videos are the highest rank of content creation in a game based on knowledge. Fascinating. Subscibed.

aggrometa7305: Yo thanks for redoing the video while the first one was funny, and also hurt. Been really enjoying the content and learning a lot thanks for keeping these coming!

Sep 03 2024

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