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POE 3.24 T17s How Did The Uber Boss Overhaul What Should Change Path of Exile Necropolis

chriscarollo7816: T17s without

voswouter87: Why not nerf T17 maps? Ubers should be harder than the T17's.

MGMarkov: Bossing was by far the most enjoyable thing for me for the last 5 years. This experience was absolutely destroyed this pach, to say that everything they did to bossing is horrible is absolute underestimation.

Putting the fragments behind the HORRIBLY balanced T17 maps is EASILY the worst decision I have seen GGG making, or at least with the worst implementation. To say those ar epretty similar to 3.18-3.23 is absolutely inaccurate.

1. T17 are MUCH MUCH rarer than the guardian maps before, This made the fragments MUCH MUCH rarer and expensive to the point where we have Uber maven is 12 div to run,.

This made the Uber boss farming, which is very very satisfying and actually, together with Sanctum, is one of the few things in the game that IMO actually require learning mechanics, reacting, and not just moving and occasionalyl clicking right click to explode the screen.

Solution - T17 should either not be the only place to farm fragments from (e.g. the normal bosses can trop fragments) or/and the T17 fragment drop numbers should be doubled

2. T17 are dropping a set of random fragments from 3 available for each map, this makes the problem in p.1 even bigger. Not only T17 are quite rare for them to be the only source of fragments, the fact that some of them cannot drop the more valuable fragments makes the demand for T17 quite squed and thus in even more demand than others.

Solusion - Similar to p.1 but also the fragments should be fully randomized with a compensatory mecahnicsm (so you get close to even amount of each fragment). Or you can make the uber fragments general and being able to open every Uber fight. There are many solutions for this, it is just makeing the 1st problem even bigger.

3. T17 are still a HUGE problem with their absolutely imbalanced modifiers.

Solution - I hope everyone agrees that those will have to be altered before the next patch and rebalanced

4. T17 SHOULD NOT BE the best place to farm and ALSO give fragments - This again makes the problem in p.1 even more significant. Previously we had maps that are best to farm if you farm currency/scarabs/etc. and boss maps you farm for fragments. Now, those are combined into 1 and this makes the T17 by far the best and the ONLY thing to farm if you want keep up with other players doing that.

So what they did was - now you have to get your uber fragments from a different place (nice variety), but also, they made this same place absolutely the best place to farm everything (except some strats that are relying on white or yellow T maps). They did not add variety to the game, they did exactly the opposite.

In a nutshell, I have never seen a bigger step in the wrong direction and more horribly balanced contend released by GGG ever.

Not even slightly surpriced this league had horrible retention and I expect it to get much much worse if GGG does not make significant changes.

I am a proson tha played the game in the Beta, than returned 5-6 years ago and for first time since then, I feel the game is getting worse, although the idea behind the changes was great, the implementation seemed like it was done by toddlers.

I like your suggestion for reshuffling the uber boss drops

xasrai1575: Call it the "Shelder" encounter.

SliceMusik: "Uber Elder" is already something that GGG didn't come up with, but the community. They have since adopted the naming in posts/videos/livestreams to fit with the community.

The official name is "The Elder in the Shaper's Realm". No "uber" in there.

duskymage: I'd be happier if ggg just added a "non-map boss monster don't drop loot" modifier to all t17s. During the reveal, ggg stated they didn't want t17 to replace t16 farming, and since t17s are necessary for ubers people would do them anyway.

Dizturb3dwun: I really liked your idea there at the end on what to do. I also really fucking want them to delete back to basics from the atlas tree. They removed wandering path and put B2b on the tree? D:

forcefulstorm6187: Timed lockouts would lead to a PoE offshoot of split raiding: making multiple accounts and/or characters to farm the same boss

I know that's actually somewhat of a player problem, but making game design decisions that lead to actively unfun gameplay are bad game design decisions. Any other solution is preferred.

killuahsmathetricks389: My problem currently is, that the opportunity cost (and general cost) to even try the uber versions of the bosses even once is so incredibly high.

I would argue something like "if you kill the normal boss you get a chance to drop the uber fragment to try the boss". But right now T17 maps are so incredibly hard, that it is nearly impossible to "train" the uber bosses again.

I would consider myself to be like in the top 1-5% of players (MB, HH and about 500 Div each league in other gear) and I am currently saying, that I don't even bother with the uber bosses. Which is sad, since I got the farming for currency down and wanted to start doing and learning the uber bosses (normal ones are easy).

So my suggestion would be to guard the Uber Fragments with a somewhat low drop chance (like 5-10%) behind the normal boss. Then you could still somewhat farm it, but its not entirely impossible for some builds to even get it once (T17 are no joke, even without back to basics <.<)

ruibarian5187: You say multiple times that players loathe trade friction, but i don't think that's true in the case of Bind to Account. GGG hates untradables, but as we saw with Last Epoch, players will play whatever they believe is more powerful. Nearly the entire playerbase of LE chose to play without access to the main way of trading, massively increasing friction, because it was more beneficial.

AlexanderBukh: Big thanks for also stating how it was before, not everyone is walking poewiki out here)

May 29 2024

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