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Path of Exiles Most Famous Infamous Players

ladehireold: Engineering Eternity was the channel that teached me the advanced mechanics behind key details which helped me break through the end game.

I wish one day to have the skills and edting capabilities to bring an updated guide to all PoE mechanics, with both complete explanation and uplifting view.

fvzi4861: All my homies hate TFT

offgridgaminguk: It was Kripps discharge ignite build that got me into PoE all the way back in mid 2013.

FHsDrakk: ItsYoji with his fake trailers were amazing.

PathOfMath for infamous...

Epi42: If you talk about JeNebu u might consider Belton, the single player who crafted the most mirror tier items in the game even though he had to compete with the entire TFT (or Tier F-ing Two).

And if you wanna go down that rabbit hole of Infamous, then dont forget about Path of Math, may his fate be a warning to anyone who does not behave as a human.

slot2: Get Belton in here, he's the wolf of Vaal Street.

KimParkkinen: Kittencatnoodle - The VaatiVidya of PoE deserves recognition! PoE has some very good writing, but not many people put as much time exploring it as they do!

dreamcore_gg: Awesome first episode, looking forward to the next!

a1pha_star: Great content, Tri! Big fan of Kripp myself.

IR59_Lorenz: I'd say ProjectPT is one of the most legendary infamous players and he is the inventor of SSF, the truest ethical gamer of all time. Also shout out to ZenocideGenius and ZiggyD for doing the first big PoE Podcast ever, State of Exile

Jun 27 2024

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