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PATH of EXILE You Have More Currency Than You Think Currency Exchange Wealthy Exile Guide

romance_ch: I liquidated my scarab tab on Friday using the exchange and made 30 divines. It saves you so much time and its easy to use, I'm going to be real sad if it doesn't go core xdd

boat378: The ability to immediately liquidate any and all items in my tabs has made me feel richer than any league in the past, it's also kept me playing longer because of more frequent substantial upgrades to my character. I've played every league since 3.1 Abyss and never more than a week or two but this league I'm more motivated than ever.

sephrinx4958: I spent about 20 minutes doing some currency trading and turned 10div worth of gumball into 20 actual divines. Shit is op. Quick math and it doesn't even add up but it does somehow idk

ruibarian5187: Great, you said I'd be okay, but now I'm in hospital after a cardiac event from seeing the market depth chart.

yourvenparianen5390: It's the first time I was able to setup a 100 div character...never been able to do that before I feel so rich

sytrax7363: When selling maps, if you want to avoid people asking you for just a single map, list them as 250/50 chaos per map. If you have 50 maps, and they're 5c each, it will only allow people to whisper you for 50 maps. This works for all trades, although it's mostly just useful for maps now because of the currency exchange

VictusBcb: Love the currency exchange for all the reasons listed. My biggest relief is when I need say a few deafening essences for crafting. Gone are the days where I have to scroll the bulk on the website hoping someone replies. Now I can just be like, "Give me 9 deafening woes" and the exchange goes, "Done."

jakkrit6910: it only pull from tradesite and it can also be affect by price fixer so just think of it as bare minimum

also this currency exchange thing make me want to play more this league. don't have to spam 20-30 people just to buy some scarab. don't have to fiddle with bulk trade tool just to sell it for cheaper than market rate.

rk-li9ks: Wealthy Exile: 125D

My Stash: 23D, 133C

Edit: To sell Maps in Bulk. Click on XVI -> Right click Strand -> Set price to 60/10 Chaos. It will list it only if you have 10 maps for 60c total. You can also list them for divines this way. Have fun :)

zinckt6507: actually a great video / idea to help new players, Good on you for making this and helping the community!

softwaremediaguru: They should add the gear exchange too. This exchange added by path of exile is so useful.

Aug 19 2024

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