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PATH of EXILE UPDATED Shipping Tested, Solved Explained Dust Changes Strategies Guide 3.25.1

prosamis: I can't believe that sponsor segment got greenlighted

HoomanElite: one of the best sponser ad reads i have seen

MultiSanzo: Okay, that was a god tier sponsor segment. Might have been the first time I actually rewinded and rewatched the sponsor segment in a video.

richardmirabella5787: Top tier Sponsor segment. I always skip those and this time I was compelled to watch the whole damn thing. Great work!

Scorptice: sent in an 8 million ship to get 3 exalteds back lmao

edit: Just to note the league mechanic is a whole has made me upwards of 40div in total it's the best league mechanic since sanctum for making bank with no real hassle. But sometimes you load up a ship and get nothing, gotta live with that

kyounokaze: It's great to see the results of any large analysis on hidden PoE functions like this. Of course, most people will be focused on raw currency and consistent returns as they should, but the gambler in me wonders what the rate of getting chase uniques are, if doing something like sending 50M shipments of verisium to Te Onui, especially in SSF where uniques will likely be more valuable than mirror shards

HoomanElite: I really needed this! Thank you Ziggy

ViggaTron: That sponsor hahah. pretty gud xD

Aug 31 2024

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